To facilitate equitable access to clinical data and patient populations within the Concussion Learning Health System (C-LHS) and avoid overburdening interested volunteers, the Clinical Data and Populations Committee was formed in 2023 with representations from different clinical units to govern the review and approval process. Committee members include:
Clinical Data and Populations Committee Members

The Committee is expected to provide guidance and governance on access to C-LHS data, the U-M Concussion Center’s (UMCC) Research Participant Registry, and review active research activities recruiting concussion clinical populations across campus. Our goal is to prevent project overlap, ensure projects remain within scope, facilitate appropriate authorship credits/ opportunities (e.g., “U-M Concussion Center Investigators Corporate Authorship”), and facilitate an inclusive scholarly community.
Currently, there are three types of requests that can be reviewed by the Committee:
- C-LHS Data Request Form
- Access to data and collaboration among UMCC members to accelerate research in mTBI are fundamental principles of the center. It is recognized that with appropriate IRB and administrative approvals, data within the EMR may be used for research without review or approval of the committee. However, in developing the C-LHS, standardized concussion data elements have been developed within the EMR and are compiled within the C-LHS database. As the C-LHS grows, our goal is for all concussion care provided within Michigan Medicine to maximize the use of the C-LHS concussion standard data elements. As such, we encourage the utilization of clinical data elements developed through the C-LHS.
- Patient Population Access Form
- As part of the Center’s mission, we facilitate and coordinate concussion research across the University of Michigan through an inclusive and collaborative approach. It is recognized that many concussion research studies will benefit from the coordinated recruitment of concussion patient populations. With appropriate IRB and Michigan Data and Populations Committee approvals, the Concussion Center seeks to facilitate the prospective recruitment of concussion patients from clinical populations across the university’s healthcare system.
- U-M Concussion Center Registry Access Form
- It is recognized that with appropriate IRB and Michigan Data and Populations Committee approval, access to the Concussion Center’s registry of research volunteers may be accessed for use as a recruitment tool for UMCC Members conducting concussion research at U-M.
Only current Concussion Center Members are eligible to submit a request form. Interested in becoming a member? Please complete the Concussion Center Membership Application.