Student Involvement

Are you interested in becoming involved with the Concussion Center and working with our members on various research projects or volunteer opportunities? Please tell us a little more about yourself by completing the Student Application, and we will work on connecting you with your desired mentor(s).

Center Membership

Concussion Center membership is available to the faculty, staff, and students who meet the following criteria:

  • A record of demonstrated potential to enhance the center’s research, clinical care, outreach and engagement efforts
  • Willingness to participate in interdisciplinary collaborations
  • Commitment to contributing to the overall mission of the center

Membership Criteria

Membership type is determined based on the administrative appointments in a U-M school/ college at one of the three campuses (Ann Arbor, Flint, Dearborn):

  • Faculty: an active faculty appointment, including both tenure and clinical tracks
  • Staff: An active staff appointment (e.g., clinician, research scientist, research administrator, clinical research coordinator/ project manager) 
  • Students and Trainees:  post-doc, fellow, resident, graduate, or undergraduate student

Membership applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Notification of your membership status is usually made within 30-45 days after submission. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

FacultyStaffStudents & Trainees
Featured on Concussion Center website:
-Name, Title
-Professional Photo
Research resources:
-Project development (e.g., facilitated grant sprints, research jam)
-Research coordinator support
-Access to U-M concussion/ mTBI patients and clinical data (e.g., Concussion Learning Health System)
-Scientific expert collaborations
Research dissemination & amplification via Concussion Center’s promotional materials and social media channels
Eligible for the “Concussion Scholars Program”
Promoted member activities
Continuing education opportunities
Journal Club
Center-hosted guest lectures and special events

Concussion Scholars Program


The School of Kinesiology has received a generous endowed gift for the benefit of the U-M Concussion Center. In partnership with the school and the center’s leadership, these funds will be administered to support students and their research, travel, and internships related to concussion. This support will be used to further the mission of the three cores of the center: research, clinical, outreach & engagement.


The Concussion Scholars Program seeks to support center-related endeavors of the faculty who create opportunities for students to participate in the Concussion Center’s research, clinical, and outreach mission. Faculty sponsors benefit by receiving funding for their projects to further their portfolio, while students benefit from the project experience, an impactful mentor relationship with concussion experts, and contributing to a community of practice.

Available Grants

(BS, BA)
(Master’s & PhD)
Research Support Grant
Up to $5,000 student wages per project
Hourly support for students working on a concussion-related research project sponsored by a faculty or clinical member
Special Projects Grant
Up to $5,000 student wages per project
Hourly support for students participating in internships focused on existing Concussion Center priorities. These may include but are not limited to concussion outreach and education or curating centralized research assets for the center membership. 
Graduate Student Summer Grant

Up to 50% summer effort for mater’s or PhD students
Support for graduate students working on concussion-related research, clinical, or outreach and engagement projects sponsored by a faculty or clinical member.
Gap Year Project Grant

Up to $20K of student wages for research support or special projects
Support for graduating U-M students completing a gap year before graduate/ professional training in concussion to complete a research or special project sponsored by a faculty or clinical member. Gap year students only
Travel Grant

Up to $1,000 per student
Available in addition to the student research support, internship grant, and/or student grant.

Fund travel (e.g., mileage, room, board, registration) to:
 present at a concussion-related conference
participate in concussion specific training.
community-engaged research.

If awarded, the students are expected to:

  • Participate in the “Concussion Center Lunch & Learn” meeting, providing a brief presentation on the project activities.
  • Submit an annual project summary report including major accomplishments.
  • Reference “University of Michigan Concussion Center, Concussion Scholars Program” in future research publications, press releases, posters, etc.


Interested faculty may submit the completed Concussion Scholars Application to the Concussion Center by emailing [email protected]. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Selected candidates will be contacted within one month of receiving the application.

NOTE: Only current Concussion Center Members are eligible to apply. Interested in becoming a member? Please complete the Concussion Center Membership Application.

Equal Opportunity

The Concussion Center is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons without discrimination based on race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status. This also applies to student recruitment for awarded projects.