U-M Concussion Center’s first Speaker Series event in 2025, featuring Dr. J. Kent Werner, Director of Research from the Walter Reed Sleep Disorder Center, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. In this talk, Dr. Werner discussed the short and long-term impacts of TBI and PTSD on sleep physiology and covered current and novel approaches to clinical management.
Dr. Cheryl Wellington from the University of British Columbia joined us and discussed fluid biomarkers in neurological diseases, including mTBI/ concussion.
We were joined by attorneys Dylan Henry and Kacie Kerigides from Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP to discuss concussion and CTE litigation. Topics included litigation 101, evolving standard of care updates, CTE and the law, and litigation trends.
Tune in as Dr. Carrie Esopenko, Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City joins the Concussion Center for a discussion on how mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) impacts military service members returning from deployment, the current research surrounding intimate partner violence (IPV) and military sexual trauma (MST).
On Thursday, April 13, 2023, Dr. Echemendia presented: “The process and science underlying the new SCAT6 Tools”, where he will provide an in-depth overview of the SCAT6 for evaluating a suspected sports-related concussion and how this standardized tool can be used on patients who are 13 years and older.
Dr. Doug Smith from the University of Pennsylvania presented “What underlies concussion? A shadow network?” He described what happens during a concussion and how a hidden neuro network helps the brain recover.
Dr. Robert Stern from Boston University presented the neuropathological features of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), including what is currently known about risk factors for developing CTE; the clinical features associated with CTE and the NINDS Consensus Diagnostic Criteria for Traumatic Encephalopathy Syndrome; and the possible fluid and neuroimaging biomarkers for CTE.
Dr. Leddy’s talk described aspects of the physiology of concussion with respect to the autonomic nervous system and cerebral blood flow regulation, the role of exercise tolerance testing in the prescription of individualized sub-threshold aerobic exercise for the treatment of concussion and persistent post-concussive symptoms (PPCS), and how the principle of “exercise intolerance” is used in the treatment of mTBI/concussion.
Dr. Herring’s talk focused on youth athlete concussion recovery and the effect of word choice when talking to patients and how that influences an athlete’s view of their concussion and ongoing symptoms.
Dr. Emory shares results from research examining concussion prevention strategies across multiple prevention targets in youth sport and emphasizes the role of concussion surveillance in informing best practices and policies in concussion prevention in youth sport. The importance of transdisciplinary approaches and integrated knowledge translation to have the greatest public health impact of evidence-informed solutions in concussion prevention will be shared.
Dr. Stewart’s presentation dives into the history of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) while focusing on the four common misperceptions about CTE.
Building on the success of the seminal, national longitudinal study, TRACK-TBI, Dr. Geoff Manley, along with a nationwide team of TBI experts, launched the TRACK-TBI NETWORK, an innovative, precision-medicine driven consortium that will test Phase 2 drugs for TBI. The TRACK-TBI studies have created a modern precision medicine information commons for TBI that integrates clinical, imaging, proteomic, genomic, and outcome biomarkers to drive the development of a new TBI disease classification system, which could revolutionize diagnosis, direct patient-specific treatment, and improve outcomes.
Dr. Hunt’s talk examines 1) the ramifications of socioeconomic status (SES) and race on concussion evaluation and assessment, 2) the barriers of healthcare access in low SES and minority patients, 3) the importance of communication and community engagement to decrease the resistance to medical care following a concussion amidst current community climates.