NeuroTrauma Research Lab: Student Engagement Update
March 25, 2023
By Tina Chen
Concussion Center director Dr. Steve Broglio also leads the NeuroTrauma Research Lab with the School of Kinesiology, which focuses on conducting research to improve athlete health and safety related to concussion. We are excited to share some updates on the innovative work done by undergraduate students Carlin Pendell and Alvin Anand, both juniors with the College of LS&A majoring in Neuroscience who have been hard at work exploring a range of fascinating concussion-related topics.
“Students are the cornerstone of our University, Center, and lab. We are incredibly proud of the work they are doing and are excited to see the impact their research will have in the future.”
Steve Broglio, PhD, Concussion Center Director
With an interest in examining how cognitive control is affected long after a concussion, Carlin Pendell, an undergraduate in LSA, has begun data collection for her senior honors thesis among the University of Michigan students to understand how they might be impacted. Though concussions result in neurological deficits acutely, it is unclear if persistent deficits may be experienced long after the injury. Cognitive control, the mental processes that allow us to regulate our actions to achieve a task, is crucial for every activity we engage in, including sports. The inability to perform to the best of one’s cognitive ability is detrimental to the success of many athletes. The implications of this study may reveal novel insights into the lingering effects of concussion and its potential impact on cognitive function after injury. Carlin’s work has been selected and supported by the LSA Honors Program. Center director Dr. Steve Broglio and members Dr. Landon Lempke and Adrian Boltz have been instrumental in supporting her project by sharing their research expertise. Her work will surely fill a critical literature gap and help Carlin along her future academic career path. We look forward to her continued hard work and dedication to addressing critical problems in the field.

Separately, Alvin Anand is conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the effect of concussion on the onset of depression. He has been conducting a thorough review of existing literature on the topic, gathering data from various studies that examine depression incidence following concussion. He uses advanced statistical techniques to analyze the data and draw meaningful conclusions about the relationship between these two conditions. The findings from this research will inform the mental health field by demonstrating implications for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of depression in individuals who have suffered a concussion.
“Students are the cornerstone of our University, Center, and lab. We are incredibly proud of the work they are doing and are excited to see the impact their research will have in the future,” Broglio said. Stay tuned for more updates on their progress.