NCAA settles Arrington lawsuit
April 30, 2020
By admin
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the day-to-day realities of athletics, many institutions are looking forward to when their athletes will take the field again. When that time comes, new regulations will be in place resulting from the recent Arrington vs. NCAA decision. In 2011, Adrian Arrington, a former football player at Eastern Illinois University, filed suit against the NCAA challenging its policies on concussions and concussion-related injuries. The recent settlement will require adjustments to each institution’s concussion protocol, with submission and approval by the NCAA office. Of importance is baseline concussion testing for all athletes; return to play clearance requirements; presence and availability of trained medical personnel at games and practices; and a concussion reporting structure. The Concussion Center has supported U-M Athletics to address these and other concerns to ensure our athletes are appropriately cared for.