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Mark Rosentraub, PhD

The Bruce and Joan Bickner Endowed Professor

School of Kinesiology

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Dr. Mark Rosentraub is the Bruce & Joan Bickner Endowed Professor of Sport Management and director of the Center for Sports Venues & Real Estate Development (formerly the Center for Sport & Policy) at the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology. He also serves as the Sport Management program chair. Dr. Rosentraub has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including the Public Administration ReviewPublic Finance and BudgetingTourism Management, and the Journal of Sport Economics, and has published more than ten books on sport business, public administration, and urban policy. He has received more than $26 million in funding from organizations such as the Lilly Endowment, Olympia Development, Bedrock Development, the Green Bay Packers, and many other cities. Dr. Rosentraub has served as a project consultant for major and minor league teams and for numerous urban planning and real estate development corporations, and has presented more than 100 papers at professional conferences all over the world. He is a sought-after expert in using sport as a platform for economic and urban development and has been featured in numerous media outlets, such as ABC’s Nightline, ESPN’s Sports Center, and the Wall Street Journal.
