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Lily Tiefel

Lily Tiefel is working with the U-M Concussion Center to create the first college-level concussion baseline testing using C3 Logix for the University of Michigan Adaptive Sports and Fitness Program. Tiefel’s responsibilities include screening athletes and conducting concussion awareness surveys. The ultimate goal is for this testing to become a standard practice for U-M adaptive sports programs and potentially for other universities’ adaptive sports programs.

Sarah Boeke is a fourth-year pre-medical student at the U-M School of Public Health, pursuing a B.A. in Community and Global Public Health. She is passionate about child safety and injury prevention, and has contributed to the expansion of the Concussion Center’s Pop-Up Safety Town program through development of innovative, mobile curriculum kits for preschool teachers and childcare providers in low-income communities across the state.

Dr. Ward is a Professor in the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Michigan. Dr. Ward’s passion is in creating programs that encourage true integration across the disciplines of medicine, engineering, data sciences, and entrepreneurship that accelerate discovery to true patient impact.  In addition to founding the Max Harry Weil Institute for Critical Care Research and Innovation, he led the design and implementation of Michigan Medicine’s Fast Forward Medical Innovation program and served as its inaugural Executive Director from 2013-2018. 

Dr. Gilbert Omenn served as U of M Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and as Chief Executive Officer of the University of Michigan Health System from 1997-2002. He has been director of the UM-wide Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics since 2005. He is a past president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the National Academy of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and the Association of American Physicians. He serves on the boards of the Hastings Center for Bioethics, the Center for Public Integrity, and the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Ashley joined the University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center in 2022 as its project manager for its concussion portfolio. She has a bachelor’s degree in Health and Psychology from Michigan State University and received her Clinical Research Coordinator certification (CCRP) in 2016. Ashley has been working in the research field since 2007 in both academic and pharmaceutical settings studying topics including ADHD in adolescents, pharmaceutical outcomes, and concussion.

Dr. Gosselin is an adjunct clinical instructor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Her scholarship aims to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of clinical implementations with a specialized focus on emergency services, pre-hospitalization evaluation, and injury prevention. She has over twenty years of clinical practice at the bedside, including roles in leadership and management. She is active in multiple professional organizations, including the Emergency Nurses Association, Midwest Nursing Research Society, National Communication Association, and Sigma Theta Tau International.

Abigail Bretzin is a Research Investigator and member in the Department of Emergency Medicine and member of the Michigan Injury Prevention Center. Before joining U-M, Dr. Bretzin completed her postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, gaining advanced training in epidemiology. During her postdoctoral studies, she also completed NIH funded training programs in sleep (T32 HL 007713) and traumatic brain injury (T32 NS 043126). Dr. Bretzin earned her PhD in Kinesiology at Michigan State University.

Dr. Bretzin’s research includes primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of traumatic brain injury (TBI), specifically sport-related concussion. Her research examines the epidemiology of concussion and TBI, related health disparities, and long-term outcomes of the injury and repetitive head impact exposure. Dr. Bretzin is also a member of the Data Coordinating Core of the Ivy League – Big Ten Epidemiology of Concussion Study, leading analyses and study dissemination activities. Her research also engages under-represented communities, with attention to male and female differences in sport-related concussion incidence and outcomes.

Dr. Wiebe studies interactions between people and the environment and the health risks that result, with a focus on injuries and violence — the leading cause of death during the first half of the lifespan. He approaches study design issues by working at a temporal and spatial scale that is relevant to the induction period for a given exposure and outcome. The Space-Time Epi Group that he directs supports trainees whose research topics have a temporal dimension, a spatial dimension, or both. Managing and preventing sport-related concussion and firearm injuries are prominent in his research and training activities.

Dr. Wiebe is on the Executive Committee of the U-M Concussion Center and is affiliated with the U-M Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention as a scientist/ scholar.

Dr. Eckner received his M.D. degree from Case Western Reserve University and his M.S. degree from the University of Michigan in Clinical Research Design and Statistical Analysis. His research addresses mild traumatic brain injury in athletes, including concussion prevention through neck strengthening exercise, concussion biomechanics, determining the role of reaction time testing in concussion assessment, long term effects of concussion on neurological health, as well as, in the management and rehabilitation of athletes.

Dr. Eckner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Director of Clinical Research, Michigan NeuroSport and PM&R Concussion Programs, and Director of the PM&R Resident Research Program, in addition to the Michigan Concussion Center’s Research Associate Director.

Sun Young Park, PhD, is an associate professor in the Stamps School of Art and Design and the School of Information at the University of Michigan. Dr. Park’s research areas include Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Interaction Design, and Health Informatics. Her research focuses on empowering individuals to help them access, understand, and share their health-related data for effective communication and shared decision-making. Her research projects have been funded by the University of Michigan Office of Research (UMOR), National Science Foundation (NSF) CRII and CAREER, National Health Institute (NIH), and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).